Linda Wesolowski, Painter

Linda Wesolowski
I fell in love with painting at 8 years old when my grandparents gave me a paint-by-number set of horse heads on canvas boards. My first love was horses, but that was soon replaced by drawing and painting. I spent 2 semesters in college studying art, but realizing my income potential in computer science would be much greater, I switched majors. During my career with Ameritech, I managed to squeeze in a few classes in watercolor and oil painting, but since retiring, I’ve had the time to begin painting again, including several years studying art with Maria Segovia, artist and owner of Magdalena Gallery of Art in Carmel, IN, who was a great help in teaching composition design and brush work. Most importantly, she taught me the importance of interpreting the subject matter, whether a single blossom or a Tuscan landscape, using bold color and high contrast to create a composition that evokes interest and appreciation on the part of the beholder. As with many things in life, I’m still learning and thoroughly enjoying the journey!