Robert Wallis, Photographer

Robert Wallis
Robert Wallis is an artist, educator, and hand-made bookmaker. He works with traditional film, digital imaging, and alternative process photography. He works in several genres, ranging from Nineteenth century photo processes and Symbolist work, to the hyper-Realism of digital methods, and droll social satire and commentary utilizing the iconic figures of GI Joe, Ken, and Barbie. Another area of interest is mixed media work using his images and his poetry in a synergistic mix.
His contemporary work looks for a certain vibrancy of form, texture, color, and line in architectural and urban landscapes. There is a kind of abstraction that takes the cliche of doors and windows beyond the warm and fuzzy look to one that brings out character and aura of well used purpose with human involvement.
He is a graduate of Purdue University, and has a graduate degree from Oakland City University. He studied art at the Herron School of Art, Indiana University, and did graduate work at Ball State University in art. He taught photography at the Indianapolis Free University and the Indianapolis Arts Center. He has been active at juried art festivals since 1988.